Prince William told a group of children to guess his age. They guessed 57.

Prince William actually was handsome at one point, many years ago. People used to talk all the time about how much he looked like Diana. He seemed blessed with Spencer genes. Then something shifted in his 20s and the Windsor genes began to consume the Spencer genes. Nothing has ever been the same. I also think that William’s inner evil seeps out onto his looks – that man is ashy, awkward and full of rage. He does not carry himself like a man who is comfortable in his own skin. Well, during William and Kate’s day-trip to Scotland on Thursday, William told a group of primary-schoolers to guess his age. Their response was amazing.

The Prince of Wales has protested he is “not that old” after a child said he looked as though he was 57.

During a tour of the north of Scotland, the Prince and the Princess visited Burghead, Moray.
While speaking to pupils at Burghead primary school, the Prince answered questions from pupils, including from one pupil who asked if he had brought any soldiers of the King’s Guard with him, while the Princess of Wales volunteered to time a bike race between some of the other children.

One child asked the Prince how old he was and when he prompted the child to guess his age, they said they thought he was 57.

The 41-year-old Prince, feigning shock, said, “I’m not that old.”

[From The Telegraph]

Two things, in all honesty – William does look much older, and if you didn’t know who he was, most people would peg him (heh) at “late 40s,” very easily. Secondly, kids are just terrible at guessing ages and kids tend to think anyone over 25 is “really old.” It doesn’t matter if William is 41 or 57 or 33. He’s still an old man to kids that age. Last thing: never set yourself up like that. Never ask a kid to guess your age, weight, job, marital status or anything else. That child will absolutely brutalize you and your self-worth and then go play with their Legos like nothing happened.

PS… I really hope he didn’t try to sound hip and tell those kids about his favorite emoji.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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